Should You Consider Damon Braces?

Should You Consider Damon Braces?Your smile affects how others see you and also how you see yourself. Therefore, if you are ashamed or uncomfortable with your smile, you are not sharing the real you with the world.  Orthodontic treatment is not just for kids or teens. Adults are turning to orthodontic treatment to improve their bite, their chewing, and to reduce the risk of future dental problems. Statistics show that one out of every four orthodontic patients is an adult. In the past, you may have been reluctant to get orthodontic treatment, but today there are more options than ever before. One of these options is Damon braces.

What Are Damon Braces?

Damon braces are similar to traditional metal braces, but with one key difference. They use a different, more advanced form of wire and brackets. There are basically two types of brackets. Conventional brackets use either a rubber band or a thin steel wire to hold or ligate the wire into the bracket. This system exerts pressure on the teeth as they move. Conventional braces frequently require additional treatment, such as tooth extractions and palatal expanders. Damon braces are self-ligating, which simply means that they do not require the elastic ties to hold the wire to the braces. Metal braces use brackets that tighten and adjust the braces to slowly straighten the teeth. The fitting process is the same as that of traditional braces, but the slide mechanism used in the Damon braces allows the brackets to move naturally with the teeth as they realign. The system uses memory wires. These wires are flexible when they are inserted. As they warm up with your body temperature, they slowly return to their naturally straight state. This process uses less force.

The concept of self-litigating braces goes back to 1935, but the most popular of these brackets is the Damon system, developed by Dr. Dwight Damon. Let’s look at the pros and cons of the Damon system.

Advantages of Damon Braces

The Damon system of braces have a number of advantages over traditional braces, including:

  • Appearance. They are smaller and more aesthetically pleasing than traditional braces.
  • Less friction. The teeth can move more naturally, which avoids erosion and deterioration of the teeth.
  • More hygienic. It is easier to brush and floss, so there is less opportunity for plaque and bacteria to accumulate.
  • Less pressure on the teeth, so they are more comfortable. Patients reported 60 percent less discomfort with Damon braces.
  • Shorter treatment time. Nobody wants this process to take any longer than absolutely necessary.  A comparative study showed Damon patients finished their treatment 7.2 months earlier than those with traditional braces.
  • Fewer in-office maintenance appointments. Patients do not need constant appointments to have the appliances adjusted manually.
  • The Damon system is generally more effective for correcting severe crowding.

Disadvantages of Damon Braces

Nothing is perfect. Disadvantages include:

  • It may take a few days to get used to them.
  • They do not completely avoid the “metal-mouth” look. However, you may want to consider Damon Clear to minimize visibility.
  • They may cost more than traditional braces, depending on the practice and location.

Are Damon braces right for you?

Not all braces are the same. An orthodontist trained to fit you with Damon braces takes the whole patient into account. Dr. Valeriano will look at your profile, the shape of your face, and what you will look like in future decades. Therefore, if you are considering this option, the first step is to consult with your orthodontist to see if they are a good choice for you. The goal of orthodontic treatment is a beautiful, healthy smile. No matter what your age, properly aligned teeth can improve your appearance, your well-being, and your quality of life.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with us today to get started!

By |2019-11-04T14:28:40-05:00November 4th, 2019|blog|Comments Off on Should You Consider Damon Braces?
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